February Piroghi sale
Order form on bulletin board in the Narthex
Order Deadline February 3rd
Pick-Up February 14th 12 pm to 4pm
Pierogi are sold by the dozen @ $10.00/dozen
Orders can be placed
on the sign-up
sheet in the Church Vestibule
or by calling or texting
Marie Chismar at
The making and selling of pierogi has been a long and established tradition in our church.
We truely need more help in making our wonderful product.
Your time is only needed once a month
and only ten months out of the year.
Your presence whether for a few hours or an entire day would make a
hugh positive impacton our ability to continue to sell our product.
If you can't join us for every session, even helping once
or twice a year, makes a big difference.
Ingredient making is done on the first day and
assembly is done on the second day.
Please come and help your parish.
For further information see Fr. Edward or Marie Chismar