Ss. Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church
1140 Johnston Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017



is scheduled

for Saturday, November 2nd


between 9am and 2:00 p.m.


Available to purchase the day of the event:

Ethnic foods such as pierogies, halupki,

noodles and cabbage, potatoe pancakes,

kielbasi sandwiches, hot dogs and

chicken soup


Baked Goods including:

kiffles, rolls, cakes, pies & cookes


Chances for an assortment of theme baskets will

be available for purchase.  Drawing begins at 2:30 p.m.



Welcome to SS Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church.

Within our Parish Family, you will find a unique and dynamic

Byzantine Catholic faith community.


Our website pages contain a vast array of information

about our church, activities, people, and news

We encourage you to visit and pray with us

at the Divine Liturgies on

Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and on

Sunday at 10:00 a.m. (All English).


Welcome Visitors!

We are child friendly!


“My House Shall Be Called A House Of Prayer”

Isaiah: 56:7


If you are a visitor to our parish,

we want you to know how welcome you are,

whether you have come from another part of the country,

from across the world, or simply from another parish.

We hope you find our worship true and reverent

and our people friendly and cordial.

If you are seeking a spiritual home,

we would be honored by your presence in our parish.


If you wish more information, please call Fr. Edward at



Best Wishes and God’s choicest blessings to you!


Fr, Edward Higgins, Paster


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To attend Saturday 4pm

Divine Liturgy via Live Streaming

or to view previously recorded Liturgies

Click here to be brought automatically

to the Church's Facebook page







Wednesday, October 9
10:00 a.m. @ Bethlehem -- Office of Christian Burial with Divine Liturgy for +Anna Ferko
Friday, October 11
9:00 a.m.  Divine Liturgy @ Bethlehem PA for +Mary Goosley by Family - In Church Only